WordPress Theme Customization

WordPress theme customization

How to Customize a WordPress theme

Here we will know, how to create a child theme for WordPress theme customization. Most of the time we purchase a premium theme for creating our website with WordPress. Sometimes we may need to get some design changes and add or remove some functionalities.


Today we will create a child theme step to step for “twentytwentyone” of the default WordPress theme for learning WordPress theme customization.


Step-1: Create a new folder and named it “twentytwentyone-child” at the theme folder root directory.


creating child theme for WordPress theme customization
Creating a child theme folder in the same directory for theme customization

Step-2: Now we create a style.css file inside the “twentytwentyone-child” folder. and open it with a text editor like Notepad++, VS Code studio, Dreamweaver, or any others.

Step-3: Now write the following code below at the style.css file…

Theme Name: Child Of Twentytwentyone 
Theme URL: https://shanto.net
Theme Description: This is my first child theme
Author: Riadujjaman Shanto
Author mail: contact@shanto.net
Template: twentytwentyone
Create style.css file and write details of this stylesheet for wordpress theme customization.
Creating a style.css file and write details of this stylesheet. Here we write the common CSS as a Comment of our child theme.

Create a functions.php file in child theme folder

Step-4: Create a functions.php file inside the “twentytwentyone-child” folder. And open it with the editor. then enqueue style.css file by written code below and save it.


function child_styesheet_enqueue(){
	wp_enqueue_style('child_style', get_stylesheet_uri());
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'child_styesheet_enqueue', PHP_INT_MAX);
create functions.php file at the child theme folder
creating functions.php file at the child theme folder
Now our child theme is completely ready for work at the main theme.


Step-5: Now we have to log in to our WordPress dashboard/backend. Click on Appearance and then click on Themes. Here we should see our child theme if we have done all steps Exactly.

We have to activate our child theme now from WordPress Dashboard.

Now we can write any CSS at child theme style.css file which we want to change our site. And reload at the front end to see changes.

Also, we can add new functionality to the functions.php file of the child theme. And it will apply to our main theme.

If you complete every step and do not see your changes at the front end of the site. please clear the browser cache and reload your site again.

If you are don’t know to write code but want to get some change on your site. please contact me. Also, I’m providing every type of WordPress service.

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